Sunday, May 22, 2005

Shabbat Shalom!

Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath to every one!

So, Ive only got one more response, and then my final paper to post. After reading some blogs of some friends that I have recently come across (the blogs, not the friends), I've become aware that I must start introducing some new topics and some plain ol' casual conversational stuff to keep this thing going. I know that the stuff I've posted so far has been long and required a deliberate read, and I greatly appreciate those that have taken the time to read it. I am humbled that people are actually interested in what I have to say and what I've been thinking. So, thanks to all.

By way of introduction/preparation for my next post, and to spark some new conversation, I would like to bring up the topic of what it means to be made in the image of God, and to bear that image as created man. Up until recently, I had always held the opinion that it was the ability to think and reason and believe. i still think that is part of it, but my thinking on the matter has expanded quite a bit. I am still fleshing things out (pardon the pun), but I think there is something to the idea that we, as man, litteraly mirror the image of God in our created form and function. I don't want to spoil my last response, but let me encourage you to think on the matter. Not just as a prep for my last response, but as a step in your pursuit to know our creator more intimately.


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